Khi Community Contact Information

The Salvation Army Khi Community Church and Family Services

Address: 820 Nipissing Road Unit #4, Milton, ON L9T 4Z9
Office Phone: 905-875-1022
General Email Inquiries: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ruth Hickman

Picture of Ruth Hickman

Family Services Director & Pastor


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Peter Hickman

Picture of Peter Hickman


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Picture of Marisa Prada, Community & Family Services Manager
Marisa Prada, Community & Family Services Manager


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Picture of Linda, Family Services Support Worker & Hydro Support Worker
Linda Piccione, Family Services Worker & Hydro Support Worker


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Racha Abou Chakra, Administrative Assistant


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Picture of Margaret, Janitor
Margaret, Janitor